Bagged Lunches For Those In Need

My Name is Rob Golack and I'm an organizer with USW Local-9445 District 10. I'm reaching out to all my friends, family and local businesses for donations to help the USW with providing bagged lunches for anyone in need.

This event we are currently working on will be held in the Pittsburgh area and will last until all bag lunches have been distributed. We have chosen June 15, 2024 to get maximum participation not only from the USW, but to those being served as well. Nevertheless, as the event draws near, we find ourselves in need of as the demand grows day by day. Currently we are in need of the following supplies: Deli Meats, cheese, bread, apples, oranges, bottled water. If time wont allow for you going out, we also except, gift cards, Monetary donations and even have a Cash App to better serve your generosity.

I'm thanking each of you from the many that will be served at this event.