Laborfest 2020 Announcement

September 7, 2020 would have marked the Labor Council′s 43rd year of paying tribute to
Organized Iabor with a parade and Labor Day FestivaI. With disappointment today, We
announce we are canceIingthis year’s event.
As we approached pIanning Laborfest 2020 we expected a different year, With the road
to the White House going through Wisconsin. We knew we would get national attention
thisyear, but we did notthink 2020 would be as different as it is piaying out to be. With
increased cases of COViD-19 emerging in Wisconsin, We Cannot hold Laborfest as we
norma!!y wouId, With upwards of 5,000 union members, friends, famiiy, and eIected
Officiais usuaiIy gathering together.
We will make it through these challenges together- and come out stronger in the end.
We will spend this Labor Day honoring the Iabor movement by continuing to fight for
Workplace protections, justice on the job and in the community, and organizing new
members. We’re iooking forward to celebrating Laborfest in 2021.