An Introduction to Labor Unions

Unions are basically just groups of workers who have come together to try and collectively win better wages, health care benefits, job security, safe and respectful workplaces and fair scheduling.  They are predicated on the idea that we can do better when we come together as a team, rather than going hat in hand to the employer as an individual.

If you are new to the United Steelworkers, here is an introductory video that we highly recommend: United Steelworkers - For a Better Life

A new study finds that union-represented working mothers are at least 17 percent more likely to use paid maternity leave than comparable nonunion working mothers. But unions could do more to mitigate the wage penalties these workers experience afterwards.

United Steelworkers Local 9460 is a member-run, member-powered union.  We formed our union so that collectively we would have a voice at work.   All of our decisions are made by the membership.

A union is an organization in which workers come together to accomplish extraordinary things such as better wages, benefits, respect on the job and a stronger voice in workplace discussions.  With the help of a union, workers collectively negotiate a contract with their employer to ensure these things. The power of the union to win better contracts and workplaces is based upon the support and participation of the membership. The stronger and more active the membership: the better our contract will be.

Crack, Crack, Crack, Crackle, WAMMM!!!  A bolt of lightning slams to earth near your home.  It not only shakes your house (and nerves,) it strikes a nearby transformer and renders you powerless.  Your lights, television, computer, refrigerator, and cell phone charger suddenly become lifeless.  The first thought is you pause, waiting for the familiar tone of the important electronics in your life reseting and coming back to life. 

Although some people believe things are great without a union and there is no need for them, here is a brief reminder of some of the great things Unions have done for ALL workers in this country: 

-Unions gave us the 40 hour work week – In the late 1800’s the average work week was 61 hours! People worked 6 days a week, and many had 10 hour days. Labor unions went on strike to demand shorter work weeks and in 1937 the Fair Labor Standards Act was passed. This Federal law created a shorter workweek that gave people more time to be home with their families.