Green Book Negotiations Update

The Union and Employer met this past Thursday and Friday in an attempt to come to a reasonable and fair contract for the Greenbook contract.
Here is a run down of the items that were discussed and the positions that the two sides took:
1. Flexible Staffing:
The Employer continues to propose language that would allow them to assign employees to perform any work the employee is “qualified to perform”, at a department or location outside of employee’s cluster.
The USW continues to oppose this as to “broad” and not safe for the patients or the Employees.
The union instead proposed volunteer floats per location sites and ONLY within their classification. We also requested that we ask employees what their preference would be. USW wants the Employees to have a say in what works for them and their well-being so that our patients have a good experience.
2. Wages:
The Employer proposed a three year contract with the following increases for years one, two and three: 3.5%, 3% and 3% BUT NO MORE GRIDS AND NO MORE STEP INCREASES. The Employer proposed that Employees whom are at the top of the grid will get a lump sum payment (wages x 3.5% x 2080 x FTE) = $$
i. Casual Employees, even if you are working a .6, are only going to get a recognition of 0.2 for their lump sum if at top of the grid.
iii. Positions that currently get a Market Differential will have it incorporated into the wage, but then most of the job titles getting a Market Diff would get no other raise for this contract.
Instead of all of this, the USW proposed a year one, year two and year three wage increase of 3.5%, 3% and 2% BUT WITH THE GRID STAYING and continuing to GROW.
i. We fought hard for the Wage Grid many years ago, and it is the only defense we have against inflation.
3. Longevity Bonus:
The union proposed a PTO Dump for 40 year employees. The Employer countered, saying that longevity would be recognized by their being no grid in place and that their wages would continue to grow past 20 years. However, LONGEVITY MEMBERS GET THAT ALREADY EVERY, as does everyone else!!
4. Cross Facility Cooperation:
The Employer proposed to have non-union workers do USW work when we are short and there is a need. But we say, WE HAVE NEEDS NOW – HIRE MORE EMPLOYEES!!
The Employer wants us to be able to volunteer at other sites if they need help – WE ALREADY DO THIS THROUGH SPECIAL LETTER OF UNDERSTANDINGS and when MEMBERS VOLUNTEER.
We continue to bargain in food faith. The USW is standing with our members and what will work best for their well-being and patient care.
If you have any questions, please reach out.