Informational Rally at Essentia on July 21!

Our union is locked in tough contract negotiations with Essentia Health for our Red Book contract, as well as a Year 3 wage re-opener for our Green Book contract.  We are currently so far apart in negotiations, that we have decided to hold an informational rally in front of the new Vision Northland hospital.  The rally will be on July 21, and will run from 7am to 7pm.

We will be gathering on 2nd Street, between 4th Avenue and 6th Avenue.  We're urging all of our members who can to attend, though you have to be off the clock.  In other words you have to be off of work, or punched out for lunch.  AND anyone from the community can and is encouraged to attend to show their support!  We'll have protest signs, t-shirts and snacks on hand.  Come by anytime between 7am and 7pm for as long as you can.  By coming together we can show Essentia that we all stand united in our believe that healthcare workers deserve decent wages, working conditions and safe staffing levels!