Local Union Election Update

We held our election for union offices back on April 18 using mail in ballots. However, a significant number of ballots arrived after the count. This was the result of the unpredictable delivery schedule of today's postal service. At our May membership meeting, we voted to count any ballot that was post marked by April 17 or earlier. Today we counted those ballots. Our Election Committee will present its election report at tomorrow's monthly membership meeting (5:30pm in the basement of the Duluth Labor Temple). In the meantime, here are the prelimary, unofficial results:

In the race for president, Lindajean Thompson won.
In the race for Vice President, Jared Jank won.
In the race for Treasurer, Brenda Simon won.
In the race for Guide, Brynn Schwab won.
In the race for St. Luke's Unit Chair, Scott Guenard won.

All other offices either were uncontested (meaning there was only one person nominated) or didn't have any candidates run for them.