
When an elected office of our union opts to resign before the end of their three year term, our Executive Board appoints someone to fill the remainder of that term. Tonight our E Board met and voted to fill our vacant Vice President and Red Book Unit Chair positions. Jared Jank was appointed to the role of VP, and Zac Tuominen was appointed Red Book Unit Chair. Congratulations to both! And thank you to everyone who applied for those roles. We very much appreciate people stepping up and being willing to fill these roles.

We apologize for the late notice, but we are going to have to cancel our September membership meeting that was scheduled for 5:30pm today.  All 5 of our top officers are out sick or injured and will be unable to attend, so we have nobody to run the meeting.  If you have an issue that you wanted to discuss, our office admin will be present at the Labor Temple to take down your issue and pass it on to our officers.  Please pass this on to anyone you know who was planning on attending.

We want to thank everyone who attended our Sept. 16 community action in support of the tech workers at St. Luke's.  The turnout was fantastic, and we got a great response from the community!  We plan to keep the momentum going with a day long informational picket in front of St. Luke's Hospital on Sept. 26.

The tech workers at St. Luke's Hospital in Duluth are currently engaged in some tough contract negotiations. So far St. Luke's has refused to offer the kind of compensation and safe staffing levels that these workers deserve. After all of the sacrifices that healthcare workers have made these past couple of years, it's time we demand that employers start caring for the caregivers!

The Red Book negotiating committee has put together a video update on how talks are going with Essentia, as well as a summary of what our planned next steps are.  You can view the video update on our facebook page, or via this link:

Tuesday, Sept. 5, we’re asking everyone to call St. Luke’s CEO Eric Lohn and tell him that SLH Tech workers deserve a fair contract with decent wages and safe staffing levels! Dial (218) 249-5475. Spread the word!

The union's Red Book negotiating committee met with the employer this Wednesday and Thursday. Unfortunately no progress was made. We are still pushing back and going round and round on the employers proposal for "flexible scheduling".

To build up support for our Negotiating Committee, we are asking all of our members and allies at St. Luke's hospital to wear Steelworker union stickers on Aug. 28 and 29. They are being distributed by our Negotiating Committee. If you can't get your hands on a sticker, you can also pick them up at our office in Room 206 of the Duluth Labor Temple.