
We are having some problems with the landline in our office, so right now the (218) 724-5223 number is not working.  If you need to reach us, you can do so via email at [email protected] or by calling or texting this cell number: (218) 391-7793.  Sorry for the confusion.  Let anyone know who is trying to reach us.

After more than a gap of more than a month, Essentia Health and the Steelworkers went back to thet able on Oct. 16 for Red Book contract negotiations.  Due to the long gap, almost the whole day was spent by the two sides catching up/reviewing the status of their various proposals - which ones were still on the table and what if any responses had been exchanged over them.  The two sides will be back on the table this coming Wednesday and Friday and hopefully some progress will happen there.

Thank you to all who came out to vote yesterday, and a big thank you to those who have shown their support during contract negotiations! The majority voted to accept the one year agreement with St. Luke's. Your union Negotiations Committee will be back at the table in a few short months to begin the hard work of winning a more long term fair contract.

There is going to be a vote on the union's tentative agreement with St. Luke's Hospital on Oct. 11.  Show up any time from 8am to 5pm in the basement training room of the Lakeview Building.  Look for signs.  See you on Wednesday!

USW Local 9460 and St. Luke's have to come to a tentative agreement over a 1 year contract. The Negotiating Committee worked very hard to get this agreement. It was agreed that a 1 year agreement would be best for both parties during the merger of St. Luke's and Aspirus Healthcare. We are hopeful that in the coming year we will have a better feel for what this affiliation will do for SLH, Local 9460 and all employees. A copy of the tentative agreement, along with a time and place to vote on it, will be sent out soon to all St. Luke's tech workers.

We had a very successful action in support of St. Luke's tech workers yesterday! Well over a hundred people turned out throughout the day for our 10 hour action on the corner of London Road and Superior Street. In addition to workers from St. Luke's Hospital, we were joined by tech workers from Essentia, miners from the Iron Range, teachers, public workers, paper mill workers, elected officials, the Steelworkers Organization of Active Retirees, community activists and many others. And the support from passing motorists and pedestrians throughout the day was overwhelming! My ears are still ringing from all of the supportive honking.  Our St. Luke's Negotiating Committee is at the table with the employer and a federal mediator today. Wish them luck, and continue to stand strong!

United Steelworkers and our legal team have reviewed the letter that St. Luke's sent us opposing our planned Sept. 26 event.
Our interpretation is that we are not in violation of the expired Collective Bargaining Agreement. We will continue to move forward with the Sept. 26 event.

Yesterday the tentative agreement that our Union Negotiating Committee had made with St. Luke's for the Chequamegon Clinic was voted on.  It was a close vote, but the majority voted to ratify it.  We want to thank everyone who turned out to vote, we had a great turnout!