6500 Blog

On Thursday, August 31st, Local 6500 opened it's facilities to hold a Community Barbecue in support of Miners for Cancer. Donations were accepted in exchange for burgers, hotdogs and other snacks. All funds raised go to patient care, equipment and research at the Northeast Cancer Centre right here in Sudbury.

In addition to donating the space for the event, Local 6500 presented the organization with a cheque to help those in our community who are affected by cancer.  (Click "Read More" to view photo)

Five ¢ity is an annual event that gives people struggling with mental health issues the opportunity to gather and meet others who are also suffering.  It also allows those who are finding their way to recovery to give hope when it sems like there is none.  Local 6500 is proud to sponsor a day that is meant to help heal the mind, body and soul of those in our community who are feeling alone and hopeless.  (Please click "Read More" to view photos from the event)

Congratulations to this year's recipients of four post-secondary scholarships awarded to children of USW Local 6500 members.  We wish you the very best in your studies!

We look forward to celebrating Labour Day with you and your families. See you there!