Member Information Sessions on New Contract Offer – August 3, 2021


August 3, 2021 11:00 am - USW 6500 Membership Information Session #1

Please click the link below to join the webinar:

Or One tap mobile:  Canada: +15873281099,,89885386114#,,,,*400941#  or +16473744685,,89885386114#,,,,*400941#

Or Telephone:    Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location):

Canada: +1 587 328 1099  or +1 647 374 4685  or +1 647 558 0588  or +1 778 907 2071  or +1 204 272 7920  or +1 438 809 7799

Webinar ID: 898 8538 6114

Passcode: 400941

August 3, 2021 02:00 pm - USW 6500 Membership Information Sessions #2

Please click the link below to join the webinar:

Or One tap mobile:  Canada: +17789072071,,81540018109#,,,,*751894#  or +12042727920,,81540018109#,,,,*751894#

Or Telephone:   Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location):

Canada: +1 778 907 2071  or +1 204 272 7920  or +1 438 809 7799  or +1 587 328 1099  or +1 647 374 4685  or +1 647 558 0588

Webinar ID: 815 4001 8109

Passcode: 751894

August 3, 2021 05:00 pm - USW 6500 Membership Information Sessions #3

Please click the link below to join the webinar:

Or One tap mobile:  Canada: +17789072071,,84625033153#,,,,*968887#  or +12042727920,,84625033153#,,,,*968887#

Or Telephone:   Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location):

Canada: +1 778 907 2071  or +1 204 272 7920  or +1 438 809 7799  or +1 587 328 1099  or +1 647 374 4685  or +1 647 558 0588

Webinar ID: 846 2503 3153

Passcode: 968887