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Local 348

Have you heard of the Tony Mazzocchi Center yet?

The USWTMC is a training organization focused on providing education to workers around occupational health, safety and environmental hazards

Recent News

Our Local was proud to send 14 members from 9 of our 11 Units to the 2022 MINK (Jerry Johnson Educational Institute - MO-IA-NE-KS) on June 5-10.

Attendees in Year 1 focused on labor history, the grievance process, and public speaking.

Year 2 attendees focused on topics related to union activism, including health and safety at work, organizing and strategic planning.

One of our sponsorships for the second quarter of 2022 went to the United Softball traveling softball team. The sponsorship was requested by Panhandle member David Browning.

We're proud to see them carrying our banner, and happy to support their season!