When: Sunday, Jun 11, 2023 - Wednesday, Jun 14, 2023, (All day)

Washington, DC


First full version of this conference since COVID started. Brother Engelhardt has attended in the past and advised the E-board that it is well worth attending, with training on issues followed by teams
visiting the offices of their own legislators for meetings. Details will be sent to stewards with the minutes and are available at www.usw.org/RR-conference E-board members will gauge interest within their units then decide on a number of slots to fund lost time & expenses. Members who would like to attend should contact the hall or their unit president.

Sister Breedlove plans to attend, and anyone who is interested in joining the Rapid Response committee is strongly encouraged to tell their unit president or the hall, and the eboard can review their expenses as well.

She advises that there are usually many attendees from Minnesota, a handful from Kansas (oil refinery), and a handful from Missouri (cement plant), and she is often the only attendee from Oklahoma. If your state is not well represented at this event, you could be a powerful voice for workers in the room with your legislators!