When: Wednesday, Jan 25, 2023, 5:30PM - 6:30PM

In person

 USW 9187 Hall

 116 Cleveland Ave NW Suite 307

 Canton, Ohio 44702



Scan the QR Code on the attached meeting notice or click the link below to register.


The local union meeting takes place the 4th Wednesday of every month at 5:30 PM. Dinner and beverages are provided for membership who choose to attend in person.

It would be hard to over-emphasize the importance and value of local union meetings. It is here that the union's membership makes decisions concerning the goals, activities, and direction of the local.

A membership meeting should be a forum to:

  • Inform the membership (and learn from the membership) about what is happening, what might be happening, and why.
  • Conduct union business by allowing the membership to discuss issues and make decisions on implementing the local's policies and programs.
  • Build unity and solidarity within the local.