When: Wednesday, Apr 17, 2024, 11:30AM - 6:00PM

USW Local 9187 Hall

116 Cleveland Ave NW Suite 307

Canton, Ohio 44702

United Steelworkers Local 9187

Local Officer Election Notice

Wednesday April 17th, 2024

11:30AM to 6:00PM 

USW Local 9187 Hall

116 Cleveland Ave NW Suite 307

Canton, Ohio 44702

Election and nominations are for a three (3) year term, beginning May 2024, for the following officers and grievance committee members:

President, Vice President, Recording Secretary, Financial Secretary, Treasurer, (3) Trustees, (2) Guards, Guide, (2) Grievance officers from Children Services Division, (2) Grievance officers from Child Support Division and (2) Grievance officers from Human Services Division.

Absentee ballots are available to any member whose work will require the member to be fifty (50) miles away from the designated polling place during the time of the election. Any member who is prevented from appearing at the polls because of service in the armed forces or vacation can cast an absentee ballot.

This notice is sent in compliance with our Local Union Bylaws, International Constitution and Elections Manual. Please see the local union bulletin boards for additional information