Name: Andrew Reed
Pronouns: (He/Him)
Union Service:
Current Union Leadership Position: President (3 Terms)
Previous Union Leadership Position: Guard
Standing Committees: Education and Member Development, Civil and Human Rights, Health, Safety and Environment, AFL-CIO, Rapid Response, Next Gen and Women of Steel.
Training Completed: Building Power, Financial Officer, Civil and Human Rights, Next Gen, District 1 Leadership, District 1 Education Conference (3 years) and Union Steward Train the Trainers.
Other Union Leadership Positions: District 1 LGBTQ+ Liaison, District 1 Education Committiee Member, International LGBTQ+ Advisory Council member, Hall of Fame Central Labor Council AFL-CIO Fifth Vice President, AFL-CIO Pride at Work Ohio Recording Secretary.
Prior Union Affiliation: UAW
Agency Service
Date of Hire: January 2014
Division: Child Support
Current Job Classification: Child Support Case Manager
Previous Job Classifications: Unit Support Worker II (USW2)
Advice for new employees & new members:
This is your Union. It is what you want it to be. I wanted nothing to do with the Union when I was hired. Sometimes you must take a dive and take a risk. If you are planning on making your job at JFS a career, then you should get involved and have a say in your future!
Take time to ask questions and learn. The more people who know how the Union works, its history and its importance the stronger our solidarity will be!
This is everybody’s Union, Nobody’s out but the choice is yours!!!
Why is the Union important to Andrew:
This Union is a driving force in the workplace. I could not imagine working without a Union in place. The Union ensures that the employer abides the terms and conditions of employment that we the workers demand. We have the absolute power to set our terms and condition. I am living proof that the Union system works. I will stand by the Union until I have nothing left to give! I owe my livelihood and my knowledge to the Union and the leaders who help me become who I am today!
Andrew grew up in a Union home, his father was employed by the Timken Company and was a member of USW Local 1123. Andrew received his Associates Degree in Business Management with a Human Resources focus from Eastern Gateway Community College in 2020 using the USW’s Free College Benefit Program. He began his employment at Stark County Job and Family Services in 2015 as a Unit Support Worker II in the Human Services Division. Andrew first became active in our Local when he was elected to the position of guard in 2016 and he was also our local’s 1st CAT coordinator when it was initiated during our 2017 contract negotiations.
In addition to serving as our Local Union President Andrew has served the USW as a Political Casual Staff member and received the Service Award from the Hall of Fame Central Labor Council AFL-CIO for his service and dedication to the Union movement. Andrew is Fifth Vice President on the Executive Board of the Hall of Fame Central Labor Council AFL-CIO He also serves as a member of the USW International LGBTQ+ Advisory Council and is the LGBTQ+ Liaison for District 1. Andrew is a member of the AFL-CIO Constituancy Groups: Ohio's Chapter of Pride at Work and the Stark County Chapter of the A Phillip Randolph Institute. Andrew completed one year of the USW District 1 Leadership Program. Andrew served as Chair of the United Ways Labor Cares Program and served on their 2018 Annual Giving Campaign Committee. He is also an Eagle Scout and has received Awards from the Buckeye Council Boy Scouts of America for Outstanding District Service and was the recipient of the 2009 Rising Star Award. In his spare time, Andrew likes to travel, spend time with his partner and work in his yard.