LOCAL 9460 ~ the Northland's healthcare workers union


Recent News

Local 9460 of the Steelworkers has members that are deployed in many different positions throughout our community. One of those locations is Amberwing Center for Youth and Family Wellbeing.

Essentia Health recently was found guilty of half a dozen health & safety violations by OSHA (the federal Department of Labor’s Occupational Health & Safety Administration). Each violation came with a fine of several thousand dollars, concrete remedies and a notice that the company has to post. The notices have been posted by Essentia in the basement of the 3rd Street Clinic. They are in the SW hallway that leads to the abandoned laundry chute closet and the boiler room. Feel free to swing down there and take a look at them, or we are posting copies of them below.

The Union and Employer met this past Thursday and Friday in an attempt to come to a reasonable and fair contract for the Greenbook contract.
Here is a run down of the items that were discussed and the positions that the two sides took:
The 1,000 workers covered by Local 9460's "Green Book" contract are locked in a tough negotiations battle with Essentia Health. As usual, Essentia is refusing to offer its workers a decent raise - while turning around and giving another massive raise to their CEO, David Herman.  But in addition to that, the company is insisting that workers accept new contract language that would turn everyone into a giant float pool that could be sent to any facility to do any job.  That means if you're a West Duluth Clinical Assistant, you could suddenly be sent to work downtown.  Or if you're a Financial Counselor, you could suddenly be sent to empty trash cans with Environmental Services.  This would not only be massively disruptive to workers' lives, but it also poses serious concerns about quality of patient care.  Workers learn a whole range of skills by working in the same department day after day, skills which somebody who is parachuted in for the day can't possibly pick up during a five minute orientation.

As can be expected, workers are outraged.  They have written and are circulating a petition against these proposals.  We are asking everyone to stand in solidarity with us by signing and sharing it.  Thank you in advance for your support!  Here is the petition link: https://shorturl.at/oS9tB

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