
Below is a list of conferences and trainings that the United Steelworkers are hosting that are available for our members.  Contact the office if you have any questions about any of them.

  • USW Healthcare Workers Conference:  This conference will be held in Pittsburg.  It will be from July 22-28 (this includes travel time to and from the conference).  The local has voted to send up to 5 members.  Let the office know if you are interested by June 16.
We're once again fighting to protect the Social Security benefits we've paid for and earned. Find out how you can get involved at But first, some facts:
Every year Local 9460 does a college scholarship for the children of our members. This year we are offering four $500 scholarships for students who will be attending school at a technical or community college, five $500 scholarships for students who will be attending a university or four year college on a part time basis, and eight $1000 scholarships for students who will be attending a university on a full time basis. All of these scholarships are just for one year, but students are welcome to apply every year, even if they have won in previous years. A drawing is done from the applications we get.
The Legislative/Rapid Response Committee of our local union will be hosting a one hour training on how to join Rapid Response next week. The training will be at 4pm on Tuesday, Feb. 28 at in Room 206 of the Duluth Labor Temple. This is a great introduction to Rapid Response, if you're interested in joining. Rapid Response is the union's non-partisan education, communication, and action program that provides that works on and spreads the word about pending legislation concerning labor and work-related issues.

District 11 of the United Steelworkers, which covers several Midwestern and Great Plains states, has a university and vocational school scholarship called the A.F. Kojetinsky Scholarship.  The children of our local union members quality for this scholarship, so if you have kid that will be going to college this coming year, feel free to apply.

This scholarship is separate from the scholarship that our local union offers every year, info for which will be posted in a few weeks.

Here is a copy of the A.F. Kojetinsky Scholarship's info letter and the application form

This Tuesday, the Head of the Lake chapter of the Steelworkers Organization of Active Retirees (SOAR) got their official charter from the Steelworkers International Union. Cathy Drummond formally presented the charter. Among the retirees present was Millicent O'Connel. Millicent is 93 years old, and was active in the previous SOAR chapter that existed in Duluth up until 2001. Contact us if you, or someone you know is interested in joining this committee.

Both the Profesional Unit and the Support Staff Unit at the Lake Superior Community Health Center are entering into a Year 3 wage re-opener with the employer.  The first meeting was on December 13.  The meetings are ongoing.  Be sure to support your Negotiating Committee, and watch for updates.