
RED BOOK: Our negotiating committee just concluded three days of bargaining with the company this week. The plan is to lay out a thorough update at our in-person Red Book meeting this coming Monday. The meeting will be held in the basement (Hall A) of the Duluth Labor Temple from 5:30-7:30pm. If you're unable to attend, we recommend reaching out to a WIN (Workers Information Network) team member on Tuesday.

Our union is still locked in tough negotiations with Essentia Health over our Red Book - the contract that covers the technical workers at Essentia's Twin Ports facilities.  If you're a member of the Red Book unit, there will be an update meeting at the Labor Temple in Hall A on Monday November 20th from 5:30-7:30PM. Bring your questions and bring your coworkers!

Congratulations to everyone who was able to make it out to last night's rally at the UMD-North Dakota hockey game. We had an amazing turnout, and the response from motorists and pedestrians was fantastic! Essentia Health: Your Workers Deserve Better!

Today is the day! We will be holding a sign holding rally in front of the DECC parking ramp on Railroad Street from 5-7pm. Tonight is the UMD-North Dakota hockey game, of which Essentia Health is one of the sponsors. So we're using that event to make the community aware of our ongoing contract fight with Essentia for the Red Book tech workers. We'll have extra signs on hand. If you make your own, try to make it as easy to read as possible since it'll be dark out and we'll be relying on street lights for illumination. A lot of folks are also asking about parking.

Executive Board Vacancy: With the election of Jared Jank to the office of the Vice President of our local union, the former position that they had occupied on our Executive Board - the Inner Guard - is now vacant. The Executive Board will be appointing someone to that role at its November meeting. Whoever is appointed to that role will fill out the remainder of the term from now until this coming April, when all local union offices will be up for election.

Join us for an informational picket on Friday, Nov. 10 5-7pm @ Railroad Street in front of the DECC parking ramp!

This week was a tough one for negotiations between Essentia Health and our union regarding the Red Book contract.
We started off Monday by making substantial movement on our proposals to narrowing down our priorities. We held strong on wages, and provided Essentia Health with the dozens of job offers submitted by the membership. (Thank you!)

Update for the Red Book contract negotiations with Essentia Health:  The union had given the company its initial economic proposal back in August.  We asked for a 15% increase for each of the coming three years.  This week the company responded with their initial economic proposal.  They offered a 1% increase for each year, with no increase to call pay, education or shift differentials.  And they gave us a presentation about the non-contract workers’ PTO and benefits package, which they are proposing for our members too.  Keep in mind these are only the initial economic proposals.  Both sid