USW Local 348 Open Membership Meeting and Social Hour
Local 348 Hall
319 Orchard
Kansas City, KS 66101
Open membership meetings occur once per quarter on the second Thursday of March, May, August and November (Constitution and Bylaws Article IV, Section 2)
Catch up with what the Executive Board has been up to on your behalf since the last meeting, find out what’s on the docket for the next few months, propose new things for the local to do, or voice concerns. Stick around after the meeting for snacks and socializing with your union siblings, with a movie or other activity TBD depending on the month.
Meeting begins at 6:30pm!
There are also 3 remote attendance options for the General meeting. Please call in early if possible, especially if you are new to using Zoom. Please prepare to give your name when called upon, and turn on your camera if you have one. The officers will confirm that everyone present is a member in good standing before the meeting progresses.
1. Call in from any phone by dialing: 1 (312) 626-6799, when prompted enter Meeting ID: 881 2304 4047, press # to skip if asked for an individual ID, Passcode: (check your bulletin board, passcode is provided in monthly mailing to stewards)
2. Join meeting from an internet-connected computer, tablet or smartphone using link This will let you view other member’s cameras and share your camera if you like. After you click the link, you will get a prompt to download the Zoom app if you don’t already have it.
3. Code to look up the meeting within the Zoom app: Look for the plus-shaped “Join” icon, enter Meeting ID: 881 2304 4047, Passcode: (check your bulletin board, passcode is provided in monthly mailing to stewards)