6500 Blog

The United Steelworkers (USW) International Executive Board issued the following statement today in response to Russia’s continuing attack on Ukraine:

“The USW stands in international solidarity with the Ukrainian people as they withstand deadly and unprovoked violence by Russian forces. Their bravery serves as an inspiration to everyone who fights on the side of democracy and freedom.

“As we seek to end this baseless war, we join with the global trade union movement in condemning the violence against Ukrainian citizens, including our Ukrainian union siblings.

Once again this year, Diane MacDonald will be offering income tax preparation services to USW Local 6500 members and retirees.  See poster below for more information.

Monday, February 7, 2022

Hello Brothers and Sisters,

The last 4 years have certainly been a rollercoaster for our local. The pandemic struck our community in the middle of tense bargaining, and we had to adjust our strategy which challenged our resolve and solidarity. We had to ensure safety measures were in place to keep each other safe and healthy.

Local 6500 Post-Secondary School Scholarships are now available! If you are a member with children attending a post-secondary institution this fall, application forms are available by contacting the Worker Representative in your Plant or by contacting Kimberly Kmit at 705-675-3381 ext. 238 or by email - [email protected]



L-R:  Dan Xilon, Sudbury Food Bank Director, USW Representatives Tom White, Owen Marcotte, Todd McLeod and Jeffrey LaLonde, and Vale representatives Claire Parkinson and Gord Gilpin

Due to the new Provincial guidelines for assembling indoors, the January 19, 2022 Membership, Health & Safety, Stewards and Women’s Committee meetings have been cancelled.

Thank you for your continued support and patience.