
We believe the tentative agreement we have reached is the best we will achieve.  Here is a summary of what we achieved during these long and tough negotiations:

The union and Essentia Health reached a tentative agreement today for the Grand Rapids Hospice contract. The tentative agreement, and the ballot on whether or not to ratify it, have been emailed out to everyone in the Unit. Please vote by this Tuesday!

We have reached a tentative agreement with Essentia Health on the Red Book contract.  We're waiting for some final documentation from the company.  Once we get that we'll be putting together information to share with everyone.  Stay tuned for more info on the agreement and a ratification vote.

Local 9460's College Scholarships for 2024 are out! If you have a kid, step-kid or legal ward that will be going to college this year, they are eligible to apply. We have multiples scholarships of $500-$1000 for students would will be attending community/technical college or university (undergrad or grad level), either full or part-time. Here is the application:

ST. LUKE'S UPDATE: Unfortunately when the company paid out the back pay for our current contract, they gave everyone double what they were supposed to. Now they are requiring everyone to pay back that extra money (we checked, and yes, unfortunately, they can legally do that). They are asking everyone to either pay it back in one lump sum, or pay it back over a period of 4 paychecks. We have just got confirmation that if 4 paychecks is not enough time, and would put you into a financial crisis, you can get an extension. Just reach out to HR and explain your situation. If they refuse, reach out to us at [email protected]

The Red Book union negotiating committee will be returning to the bargaining table with Essentia Health on February 6th and 7th. We also have a mediator coming in to assist in finding a path to a fair agreement. We will be sure to share your feedback and concerns.

RAPID RESPONSE/LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE: The Steelworkers are holding trainings for people interested in helping with lobbying state legislatures. There is going to be a two day training from Feb. 13-14 in Madison for Wisconsin and Mar. 12-13 in St. Paul for Minnesota. Our Local has voted to send up to 5 members to each.

We had a HISTORIC turnout today for our contract vote. The Red Book membership voted overwhelmingly to reject Essentia Health's "final" offer. Stay tuned for announcements in the days ahead about our next steps!