
The Redbook negotiation committee completed another long day of bargaining with Essentia. Instead of offering all of their proposals at once, Essentia chooses to release them throughout the day. Overall, the company’s proposals were very much a mixed bag. The negotiating committee has a lot of work researching Essentia’s competitors to help craft our response next Wednesday. Hopefully soon, Essentia will agree to our ask for equitable and reasonable improvements to our wages and working conditions.

Our monthly membership meetings are starting back up! With the easing of the pandemic restrictions, we are now able to start having in person membership meetings again. To help ensure social distancing though, we will be holding our membership meetings in the basement of the Duluth Labor Temple in Hall A, as opposed to our 2nd floor office. You can access the basement of the Labor Temple via the side of the building that faces Lake Superior, and there is free parking on every side of the building. These meetings are open to every member of Local 9460.

Local Union Election Results: The counting of the ballots has been completed, and the candidates in the contested races have all been notified off the results. We had two contested races. Brenda Simon was re-elected Treasurer of the Local and Kelli Ritz was re-elected Guard. Thank you to Tim Visina and Adam Voss for running. All of our other officers ran un-opposed.

A heart felt thank you to everyone who turned out yesterday for our Workers Memorial Day vigil for healthcare workers! We got a fantastic response from the community. This past year has been such a challenging time for healthcare workers, and some local healthcare providers have acted in a way that is anything but appreciative of these sacrifices. That is why the community support was so appreciated.

Red Book Update: The Union and Essentia Health met together again today. The company responded to our initial economic proposals. We are VERY far apart. In addition, the company is proposing to reduce the maximum of vacation that you can accrue, and to increase how many hours they can mandate you off.

The union Negotiating Committee met with Essentia Health today.  We were able to wrap up the initial, non-economics portion  of negotiations (stuff relating to contract language clean-up and clarification), and we presented our economic proposals.  The company didn’t respond to our economic proposals yet, but we expect that to happen at the next bargaining session on April 27.  We’re eager to continue to move forward after such a long delay in negotiations!

Below is a photo of the notice that Essentia is posting around campus.  They are posting this as part of the settlement related to our Unfair Labor Practices charge that we filed with the NLRB.

Join us for a one hour Worker's Memorial Day Vigil where we'll be honoring the hardships and sacrifices that healthcare workers have had to endure during this pandemic. Gather in front of the Gloria Dei Church to get signs and other supplies. From there we'll spread out and be holding signs along both sides of 3rd Street (between 4th Ave. E and 6th Ave. E.) socially distanced from one another. Before the end of the event we'll be lighting candles and reciting a solidarity pledge. The event will run from 5:30 to 6:30pm.

The tentative agreement that had been reached between Ecumen and the Union Negotiating Committee has been approved unanimously. Thank you to the Negotiating Committee for their hard work, and for everyone who voted.  Congrats to the Ecumen workers on your new contract!