The Health Safety and Environment Committee investigates safety and health complaints from members and takes appropriate action to ensure a safe and healthy workplace.  This includes filing OSHA complaints when necessary.  They also investigate serious accidents, OSHA violations, and represent the Union at OSHA hearings.

Chairman USW Local 1123 Safety and Health Committee

Sean Els -  Safety Committee Chair, USR Training

John Lidderdale - USR Training

Curtis Green - USR Compliance

Harrison Steel Plant (HSP)

Trish Hostetler - USR

Shawn Lindner - USR Finishing

Willis McCoy 

Chad Steiner - Machine Shop

Dave Ramsey - Finishing

Greg Dorsey - Elec Maint HRM

Tim Johnson - Weld Shop

Faircrest Steel Plant FSP

Scott Mathie - USR Steelmaking

Mike Henderson - USR Steel Processing

Chuck Fetrow - FAP Lead - BC

Mike Kiser - Mech Maint Rolling Mill

Daryl Smith - BC 

Adam Holland - Caster

Mike Poole - Mech Maint Steelmaking

Alan Tack - Solidification

Alex Rue - EAF

Gambrinus Steel Plant (GSP)

Brock McDevitt - USR

Shawn Lindner - USR Finishing

Carrie Holland - FAP Lead - IFL

Mike Kemp - Tube Mills

Ed Smith - IFL

Lawrence Gibbons Jr - Plant B

Jon Burdge - Logistics/Shipping

Gambrinus Roller Plant (GRP)

Joe Plott - Safety Chairman, GRP Unit President

Scott Baldwin

(Rev. 03.22.2024)


List of Committees